Throat Surgery
Adenoidectomy - It is the surgical removal of adenoid glands because they have become swollen or enlarged from their usual shape. Adenoid glands are located inside the mouth that helps to protect the body from viruses and bacteria. The surgery is generally performed in children whose adenoid gland is much larger and active than it is in adults.
Tonsillectomy - It is a surgical procedure to remove the tonsils. Both the tonsils are fully removed from the back of your throat. It aims to treat the difficulties in sleeping or repeated throat infections. It is performed using electrocautery or other modern metal instruments.
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty – This surgery is also known as UPPP and the most commonly performed surgery for adults. It removes or reconstructs the tissue in the throat to treat the sleep disorder.
Micro laryngeal surgery (MLS) - Is a surgical procedure to correct voice disorders or to treat laryngeal cancer. It is taken as the most precise way of visualizing the vocal cords. It aims to remove cysts, cancer, or any abnormal growth in the larynx.
Styloidectomy - It is a transoral approach to the treatment of eagle's syndrome. Eagle syndrome also, known as a styloid syndrome, is a rare condition associated with the characterization of sharp nerve-like pain. It causes difficulty in swallowing, constant feeling of a foreign object in the throat, pain while moving the jaw, and buzzing in the ears.
Esophagoscopy - It is a procedure to reach the esophagus through an endoscope. The procedure allows a magnified image of the esophageal mucosa. It may also be used to explore the stomach and portions of the small intestine.
Bronchoscopy - It is yet another endoscopic technique of visualizing the internal air passages, to the lungs. It is done using a flexible bronchoscope usually through the nose or mouth.
Laryngoscopy - It is an examination that lets the ENT specialist look into the throat and larynx, or voice box. It is used to diagnose illness inside the throat or may collect a tissue sample for further check.
Tracheostomy - It is a surgical procedure that involves an incision of the front of the neck to the trachea and leading an opening airway. The tracheal tube which will be inserted through the hole will let the person breathe without nose or mouth.