Head & Neck Onco Surgery
It is a procedure performed to improve the voice by changing the thyroid cartilage of the larynx which is known as the voice box. The surgery involves medialization, shortening, lateralization, and lengthening of vocal folds.
COMMANDO Surgery - Combine d Mandibulectomy and Neck Dissection Surgery is a procedure to cure cancers of the tongue, cheek, and oral cavity. It involves the removal of the tongue and mandibles together with block dissection of the cervical nodes.
Loco-regional Flaps - It is a technique which is also known are reconstructive surgery where any type of tissue is taken from a donor and places at the recipient site. Such as PMMC flap, DP flap is for head and neck defects.
Mandibulectomy - It is a surgical process that is used to cure the lower jaw or mandible. It involves the removal of some or all the parts of the mandibles. It is done in case of several oral-maxillofacial trauma, if a section of the mandible is not salvageable, the surgery is suggested to be an appropriate treatment other than the tumor.
Maxillectomy - Maxilla is the upper part of the jaw bone, and the surgery related to removing the tumor in it is called maxillectomy. The surgery is conducted to cure the oral cavity, nasal cavity, or maxillary sinuses.
Laryngectomy - It is a surgical procedure for the removal of the larynx. The cancer of the larynx, to cure severe injury to the neck, or any other damage to the larynx. Certain examinations are done before laryngectomy using endoscopies or CT scans.
Thyroidectomy - The surgery process that results in the removal of all the parts of the thyroid gland. It is done to treat thyroid disorders or cancer. Other reasons like an abnormal shape of the gland or difficulty in breathing and swallowing.
Parotidectomy - It is a common procedure that involves the complete or partial removal of the parotid gland that is considered to be the major and largest of the salivary glands. It is performed by the ENT surgeons following extracapsular dissection, superficial parotidectomy, or by radial or total parotidectomy.
Submandibular Salivary Gland excision - The objective of this surgical excision is for cancerous and non-cancerous conditions. The gland is a paired and major salivary gland located beneath the floor of the mouth. In the case of cancer, the gland is entirely removed with some marginal tissue around it.